
Erectile dysfunction
How To Improve Sexual Power – Max Ayurveda
Drop in sexual libido is what a lot of men experience with age. There are several ways to boost male sexual libido or sexual drive normally through simple changes in lifestyle. Routine workouts may...

Common Sexual Problems found in Men and Women
Common Sexual Problems in Men – Max Ayurveda
Due to hectic work style, onset of various diseases, increased family responsibilities, stress, excessive uses of pesticides on food items, pollution etc leads to the sexual weakness after the age ...

Akarakara Benefits
Sex After 45s and Lack of Libido
For men, sex over 45 means having a healthful and robust libido. Lots of men’s find that as they approach their 45-50th year, and pass it, the sexual libido decreases - however, it doesn't have to ...

lack of libido
Lack of Libido in Women
Not enough sex drive also referred to as insufficient sexual libido, is typical in women, but rather rare in guys. It is been estimated that millions of ladies, worldwide, suffer with what physicia...