Yoga & Sex Power
Nowadays, people from various corners of the world rely on yoga for better physiques. Apart from increasing your fitness routine, you will be able to increase the sex power as well. All you need to focus on some simple postures or yoga asanas. It helps your body to stay fit and perfect for sexual pleasure. Some more practices will help the male partner to control his climax.
Asanas for Enhancing Sexual Pleasure
There are different types of important asanas, which help in the better sex performance, and those are Lotus Position, Halasana, Uddiyana Bandha, Sirhasana , Viprita Karani and Sarvangasana. However, there are some other easy to do yoga postures, which help you to enjoy a perfect sex life.
- The common posture for increasing sexual gratification and libido can be done while sitting at your office. Release and contract the public area muscles, just like in the motion of barricading the flow of urine. It helps in providing a powerful orgasm.
- Similarly, while you are standing or seated in a place, try to contract and release the pubococcygeus muscle, located between tailbone and pubic bone. You can always do that 3-4 times in a day This posture is known as Mula Bandha and defined as a pivotal practice for greater orgasm. This is a perfect solution for both partners.
- If you have some more time, then opt for the extra service. You have to lie on the floor and put legs against walls. You have to focus towards proper breathing. Look for deep breathing yoga posture, to inhale air through the nose and exhale through your mouth. It helps you to feel re-energized and able to enjoy sex without getting tired. It even helps in heightening up the sensations. Through pranayama, you can enhance the sex life too. Here, you have to breathe alternatively with your nostrils, to harness sexual power.
Yoga practice helps in awakening your body senses to experience a magnificent sexual act. Yoga helps in making the core muscles flexible; making the body more open to perform different postures during your intimate time. It increases your natural pleasure and helps in practicing some asanas. It even helps in offering you with mental peace. It gives rise to multiple orgasms, on daily basis too. Through yoga, you can increase the time of your lovemaking scenes.
Following are Some of The Effective Yoga Postures for Improving Sex Life
Lotus Position
Here, the person needs to sit in a cross leg manner and feet are placed on thighs on opposite direction. The appearance will resemble like a lotus, which was the main reason behind its naming.

Here, the practitioner is about to stay on the floor in a straight manner. After keeping the legs straight and together, the practitioner will raise legs and try to take them behind the head. Hands need to be kept firmly on floor and parallel to the upper body. The term is derived from “hala”, which is the meaning of plow.
Uddiyana Bandha
Exhale the air and pull the abdomen inward. Try to hold your breath. Pause for a while and release your abdomen. This entire cycle will be repeated several times. The term bandhas mean internal lock. While following this posture, the air is blocked from entering your lungs. After you have completed the cycle, your lung will receive fresh air.
Defined as the promising asana of all time, in this posture, the practitioner has to stand on head, supported by forearms. This asana is mainly termed as the king of all yoga postures.
For performing this asana, you have to lie on the floor straight and raise legs, as perpendicular to the body.
Defined as an interesting asana of all time, here, the entire body’s weight remains on head, neck, upper arms and upper back. Your hands are held behind your back and try to move the legs and upper body slowly, in an upward direction.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction
Max ayurveda has formulated various products for the cure of sexual problems such as Max Musli Special (for 45+ men), Max Musli Premium and Max King Premium which have the main ingredient of Safed Musli(White Musli), Ashwagandha, Kaunch Beej(mucuna pruriens), Shilajit, Gokhru, Akarkara(pyrethrum), Jaiphal, Amalaki etc.
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Max Ayurveda is also providing FREE ONLINE CONSULTATION through qualified & well experienced Ayurvedic doctor. Anyone can consult at whatsapp ( +918288964305 ) OR email ( ) OR telephonic conversation at +91-707875-30004.